Call for abstracts to DDI2022
The submission portal for DDI2022 is now open, the submission deadline is March 27. Welcome with your abstract!
The submission portal for DDI2022 is now open, the submission deadline is March 27. Welcome with your abstract!
We are happy to announce that we will co-operate with the high-impact scientific journal Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. The most interesting scientific contributions will be invited to publish a full paper in a special issue. Read more about the journal here: Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour – Journal – Elsevier
The overall theme for DDI2022 is now set: “Safety assessment of human interactions with vehicles and automotive technologies in the context of driver distraction and inattention”.
This theme targets research on how to assess the safety impact of driver distraction and inattention. For example, how can human-machine interface designs be quantitatively assessed with respect to safety? What are the differences and requirements of such assessment in development, compliance assessment and consumer rating? How can the safety of disconnected drivers be assessed? How can driver monitoring be used as a facilitator of safety assessment of driver distraction and inattention? How can experiments, simulations, and models of behaviors be used to assess the safety of driver distraction and inattention – individually or in combination? How can the combination of behaviors and automation technologies be assessed in combination? Which are the most appropriate safety assessment metrics? We encourage theme-related research both on methods for safety assessment and results of such assessment. There will be key-note speakers related to the theme. Although we specifically promote these topics for this year’s conference, any high-quality contribution within the conference general scope is most welcome.
DDI2022 will be held between 19-20 October in Gothenburg.
This is the “The 8th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention”
The overall theme for DDI2022 will soon be set.
Look forward to seeing you there!
Sweden MEETX AB is the conference bureau handling the conference secretariat for the DDI2022 Conference.
Phone: +46 31 708 86 90